The Course in Happiness

Reboot Retreat

The Course in Happiness

Reboot Retreat

The Course in Happiness

Reboot Retreat

Hi friends. It’s me, your fun-loving happiness expert!

Popping by to let you know that I’m offering a very special one day retreat for a small group of women.

Too often we women get caught up in the busy-ness of life or the long list of everyone else’s needs, and we forget that we are important, and we matter!

The one constant in life is change and it’s the very thing that we humans resist. We like what we like, and we feel uncomfortable with what we don’t know or haven’t yet experienced. It’s perfectly natural because we humans are wired for safety. But it’s the very thing that we “think” keeps us safe that can prevent us from living our best life at any age. That’s why I created The Course in Happiness Reboot Retreat.

That’s why I created The Course in Happiness Reboot Retreat.

Heart Divider

The Course in Happiness Reboot Retreat:

Saturday, September 14, 2024, Wellings of Picton, Prince Edward County.

Saturday, Sept 28th, 2024, Wellings of Stittsville (Ottawa)

You’re invited to invest in yourself

Together we’ll examine what’s important to you and map out how you can make that your priority. We’ll unlearn a few things to create space for new ideas, new ways of being.

You’re invited to invest in yourself

Together we’ll examine what’s important to you and map out how you can make that your priority. We’ll unlearn a few things to create space for new ideas, new ways of being.

There are always new phases of life, and with each one ultimately, we want to grow.

Despite what we’ve been conditioned (I say conned) to believe, we are in charge. We’re in charge of the thoughts we choose to think about ourselves and about those around us. We can’t control other people or life’s events, but we can choose how we respond to all of it.

What stories do you tell yourself about yourself that are no longer true?

  • Is it time to do some editing in your relationships?
  • Are you ready to give up the judgment of others in exchange for a better habit that will nourish peace of mind?
  • How courageous do you feel these days?”


Showing interest in this workshop is your superpower of courage in action and I’m excited to help you build on that.

We’ll work with the principles I base my life and my work on including gratitude, courage, surrender and release, kindness and compassion, forgiveness and having healthy boundaries. In our safe space we’ll examine how you can magnify your superpowers with healthy thinking habits to unlock the energy that will up level the results in your life.

The only requirements for this retreat are an open mind and an open heart.

The beautiful thing about this session is that it is limited to a small group of participants.

Is one of the spots for you?

Your investment for this retreat is $249.00 (plus HST).

Your registration fee includes: A full day workshop, a workbook, morning and afternoon snacks and beverages as well as a casual lunch.


If you are ready to say yes and guarantee your spot, simply message me at:

If you are ready to say yes and guarantee your spot, simply message me at:

I’ll sign you up and send you information about payment.

You deserve every happiness.



Heart Divider

All Events Hosted By.

Kathie Donovan is an author, celebrated public speaker, coach and broadcaster. Her mission focuses on the transformative value of inner-happiness

As a former Co-Host and Co-Producer of CTV Ottawa’s Regional Contact Kathie employs curiosity and charm to invite meaningful conversations around topics (like aging and happiness) that affect all of us on an everyday basis.

Hire Kathie

Kathie’s work is a call to action to stretch what’s possible, so that we can all live a beautiful life of our own design.


613-241-1677 (Agent)

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